You’ve invested in Zebra mobile computers and printers to streamline your business process and provide the information to better serve your customers.
To keep these crucial assets up, running and available to your workforce, you need constant visibility into the health and status of all your devices — a task that has been time intensive, costly and virtually impossible, until now.
Introducing Zebra Asset Visibility Service, the fast, easy and affordable way to help manage your Zebra mobile computers and Link-OS v4.0 networked printers.
What is Asset Visibility Service (AVS)?
Asset Visibility Service or “AVS” is a visibility service product for Zebra customers to obtain at-a-glance visibility and predictive insight to their assets including (eligible Zebra mobile computers, printers, and smart batteries) in a customer’s operational environment. AVS can be applicable and sold to customers with various device counts and whether they have a Mobile Device Management (MDM) tool to manage their devices.
The goal of AVS is to provide customers with a streamlined and cost-effective visibility solution, which will help them transition from performing reactive device support service to proactive asset management through the delivery of predictive insight and actionable recommendations. AVS uses a simple agent available on supported Zebra devices to periodically collect data pertaining to device function without requiring customers to invest in expensive MDM tool. AVS also employs automation and self-service wherever applicable for fast subscription.
- Do you know how many devices you have in your estate?
- Do you know the health of your device estate?
- If your device has a potential problem, do you want to know what you can do about it?
- Do you want to know the first seen and last seen date of all your devices?
- Do you want to personalize your device names and be able to filter your views based on those choices?
- Do you need to assess your device fleet health prior to seasonal transaction readiness?
- Do you need an Mobile Device Management tool? (if no, then AVS is your answer)
Deploy in a day
Just activate this subscription-based service to begin collecting asset and health information for all
your Zebra mobile computers, Link-OS networked printers and smart batteries — no Mobile Device
Management (MDM) solution is required. The simple software client is easy to install on existing
devices and is pre-installed on new Zebra devices. And with easy web-based self registration, you
can get this device management solution up and running in record time.
Scalable and cost-effective for the smallest to the largest enterprise
Whether you have five, 5,000 or 100,000 Zebra mobile computers and printers, you can count on
the infinite scalability you need to support your device visibility needs today — and tomorrow.
And at just pennies per day per device, you get comprehensive high-value data that would be
cost-prohibitive to collect.
Anywhere, anytime access to your device data
Access your portal to view device-related data from any web browser on any computer, or on any
Android or iOS-enabled tablet through a standard application that can be downloaded at no cost
from the Google Play or Apple AppStore.
Easy-to-read dashboards make complex data easy to understand
The highly graphical Asset Visibility Service dashboards turn volumes of device information
into highly actionable intelligence, whether you are viewing device health or asset-related
data — no manual data collection or report creation is required.
See the state of every device
At a glance, you can see the total number of assets in your organization; whether they are active, up and running or out of contact (potentially lost or stolen). For mobile computers, you can see the total number of assets in the repair depot or in your dedicated spares pool if you have one. Additionally you’ll be able to identify any smart serialized batteries requiring immediate or near-term replacement.
A wealth of health-related device information for ground-breaking proactive device management
Zebra’s Asset Visibility Service offers a key feature that even the most complex Mobile Device Management (MDM) solutions don’t — predictive analysis. We use historical performance information to predict the expected health of your printers and mobile computers and present the results in an easy-to-read color-coded system: green for healthy; amber warns that there is a medium chance of a potential health incident; and red for devices with a high likelihood of a current or near term health issue. And unlike MDMs,
you also get detailed information on your devices and smart batteries, including a list of actions to address asset health issue — before it impacts operation
Instant visibility into device location
Want to see where your mobile computer, printer and smart battery assets are? AVS makes it easy. The location of all GPS enabled devices is presented on a map — simply click on a device marker to obtain the last known location.
All the asset data you could ever need
No more manual compilation of asset information. For all devices enrolled in Asset Visibility Service, you can instantly access serial and model number, the device’s friendly name, date first seen, date last seen, service contract information and more. And with detailed asset tagging, you can create as many filters as you need, allowing you to easily look at assets in a specific location or department, or a specific type of device.
Zebra Asset Visibility Service (AVS)
Introducing Zebra Asset Visibility Service, the fast, easy and affordable way to help manage your Zebra mobile computers and Link-OS v4.0 networked printers.
You’ve invested in Zebra mobile computers and printers to streamline your business process and provide the information to better serve your customers.
To keep these crucial assets up, running and available to your workforce, you need constant visibility into the health and status of all your devices — a task that has been time intensive, costly and virtually impossible, until now.