Ultralight - Classic - Plus - DESFire


Based on the international standard ISO/IEC 14443 Type A, MIFARE is a technology, which is used for contactless smart card systems consisting of card and reader components with a typical read/write distance of 10 cm (4 inch).  Used in more than 40 different applications – such as access management, road tolling, closed-loop micro-payment, loyalty and membership cards, MIFARE is available across all form factors including both contactless and dual interface smart cards as well as readers and mobile devices.  In its successful history, MIFARE has established an excellent reputation and footprint as leading technology platform that delivers convenience, flexibility and scalability for application developers in the contactless market.

MIFARE – at a glance

  • Fully compliant with the international standard ISO/IEC 14443 Type A
  • Proven and reliable, with more than 5 billion smart card and ticket ICs and 50 million reader components sold
  • MIFARE has a market share of more than 70% in the automatic fare collection industry
  • Future-proof product portfolio covering reader components as well as contactless and dual interface smart card ICs
  • Multiple sourcing on all levels of the value-chain (ICs, readers, cards, etc.)
  • Multi-application memory to store several services on the same card
  • Fast transaction speed (typical ticket transaction in less than 100ms)
  • High reliability – no moving parts, no battery
  • High security and fraud protection
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Smart paper ticketing

As the usage of contactless proximity smart cards becomes more and more common, transport and event operators are beginning to switch to full contactless solutions.  Smart paper tickets can be easily integrated into existing fare collection schemes and even standard paper ticket vending equipment can be upgraded. In addition, this solution for low cost tickets can help operators to reduce the circulation of cash within the system.   Beside the perfect solution for the limited use ticket, smart paper tickets are bringing many additional benefits to the public transport fare collection schemes:

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  • Fraud reduction
  • Fare evasion reduction
  • Less maintenance costs
  • Less interaction steps with the equipment
  • Increased passenger throughput
  • Reduced cash flow and related operational costs
  • Enabling aggregated services (such as payment systems for taxi fares, cinema and theatre tickets, loyalty programs, access management and parking)
  • Combined ground, underground and inter-city ticketing
  • Enabling co-operation between multiple Public Transport Operators
  • Extended convergence model with Single Trip Ticketing solution
  • Enabling interoperability with all other services based on contactless technology

MIFARE Smart Ticket IC's

MIFARE offers the broadest product portfolio tailored to the automatic fare collection market. It includes ICs for limited-use paper tickets as well as microcontrollers for dual interface smart cards with PKI crypto engines capable of hosting multiple applications. The leading products available are MIFARE Ultralight™, MIFARE Ultralight™ C, MIFARE Ultralight™ EV1, MIFARE™ Classic 1k, MIFARE™ Classic 4k, MIFARE Plus™, MIFARE DESFire™ EV1 and SmartMX™. You can find an overview of all MIFARE card and ticket ICs as well as the whole identification portfolio

MIFARE Ultralight C

MIFARE Ultralight C is a cost effective solution using the open 3DES cryptographic standard for chip authentication and data access.

MIFARE Ultralight EV1

MIFARE Ultralight EV1 is the next generation of paper ticketing smart card IC for limited-use applications that offers solution developers and operators the maximum flexibility for their ticketing schemes and contribute a more reliable system operation.

MIFARE Ultralight Nano

MIFARE Ultralight Nano is the latest generation of smart paper ticketing ICs within the MIFARE Ultralight family.

MIFARE Classic

Launched in 1995, the MIFARE Classic 1k IC was the first product, which could be fitted into an ISO contactless smart card and with its slim coil, allowed very high volume production. Today, millions of MIFARE Classic 1k ICs are in use around the globe in all different applications – from public transport, road-tolling and parking meters, to accessing car parks and paying at fuel pumps.  Expanding on the functionality of the existing MIFARE Classic 1k ICs, the MIFARE Classic 4k IC was developed. It provides significant increased memory size making it a suitable solution for multi-application cards. It allows end-users to be more flexible and to experience improved convenience.

MIFARE™ based smart cards are being used in several hundreds of cities worldwide

MIFARE Smart Card IC's

MIFARE offers the broadest product portfolio tailored to the automatic fare collection market. It includes ICs for limited-use paper tickets as well as microcontrollers for dual interface smart cards with PKI crypto engines capable of hosting multiple applications. The leading products available are MIFARE Plus™, MIFARE DESFire™ EV1 and SmartMX™.


MIFARE Plus brings your existing system up to benchmark AES security with Common Criteria Certification EAL4+.


MIFARE Plus SE is the entry level version derived from the Common Criteria Certified MIFARE Plus product family.


The next evolution of MIFARE Plus, the field proven-proven “MIFARE Classic AES-128 security upgrade product”, includes an expanded feature set that enables over-the-air services and selective upgrades of security relevant applications.


MIFARE DESFire EV1 delivers the perfect balance of speed, performance and cost efficiency. Its open concept allows future seamless integration of other ticketing media such as smart paper tickets, key fobs and mobile ticketing based on Near Field Communication (NFC) technology.


NXP has been working closely together with leading system integrators and solution providers to define and implement the next generation break through features which significantly enhance the customer experience whilst enabling new business models based on the next level of transaction security and private data protection.