Rugged PDA
Rugged handheld computers are manufactured by an extensive list of leading brand names including Motorola, Honeywell, Datalogic, Intermec, Opticon, Getac and Trimble.
They exhibit a range of differing capabilities, such as the ability to scan barcodes, view media and take photos, and are also designed to cater to specific requirements, such as the need to be operated with a single hand, a desire for a larger sized key pad or a need for an especially sizable screen.
Because of this, we have a model to suit any criteria, so be sure to browse our available selection to find the computer that’s best for you.
Zebra TC52/57 Touch Computer
The Ultimate User Experience
The TC52 and TC57 have it all — from the familiarity of Android to the large five-inch touchscreen display that is easy to read in direct sunlight to the first-time every-time capture of barcodes, labels and documents, plus soft keys users can create to access the most frequently used features and apps with single touch simplicity, and more.
The Ultimate in Technology Advancements
You get maximum computing power to handle the apps of today and tomorrow, rich locationing support, power-saving faster and more reliable WiFi connections; rich locationing support; high-quality voice; a 13 MP colour rear camera for high resolution photos and videos, a front-facing 5 MP colour camera for facial recognition and video calls, and much more.

TC52 and TC57 Series Touch Computer
the ultimate in enterprise-class touch computing.
You get the ultimate user experience — the simplicity of Android with all the business
features workers need to maximize productivity and minimize process cycle times.
You get the ultimate technology advancements on a cutting edge platform, maximizing the benefits of mobility today, with the future proofing you need to serve your business tomorrow.
You get the ultimate collection of value-add apps, Mobility DNA, with four new complimentary solutions that deliver unparalleled functionality — including the best possible WiFi performance, centralized control of the device update process, control over access to Google Mobile Services (GMS) and more.
And optional Visibility Services offer the ultimate in device management capabilities to maximize device value
See the Zebra TC52/TC57 Touch Computer
TC72 and TC77 Android Touch Computers
The TC72 and TC77 Android Touch Computers builds on the highly successful TC70/TC75 Series family to create the ultimate ultra-rugged all-touch computer for all workers inside or outside the four walls — a smartphone experience for maximum simplicity, the ultimate in rugged construction, complete mobile network flexibility, and a new platform offering more capabilities than any other device in this class for maximum staff enablement.